Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wake Up and Save Ourselves

Nowadays, the issues about green lifestyle and green actions to save the world is really bombastic. Even so, there are just some of billions human in the world participate. Some just think like it’s been written to have the earth suffer the global warming.
I, myself, really concern about the fact that the earth’s getting worse because of human’s ego. I’d say ‘human ego’, because it is the truth. I’ll tell you on other post about the ego

But first, I’m going to write what I actually wanted to tell today. So, here it goes.
It’s March 31, which is internationally known (or some people internationally know this) as Earth Hour day. This year is the 5th year of Earth Hour (if I’m not mistaken).
I’ve participated in this Earth Hour since 3 years ago, actually..
From the web ( ) said that the amount of people participation is gaining from years to years. But I also found that inviting people to join this action isn’t that easy.
The point is (to me), it’s totally no harm to live 1 hour without electricity, especially on weekend, on 8.30 PM when there’s commonly, people do nothing specific.
But, a lot of people say like “Why should we do it? Like it’s gonna affect the earth and stop the global warming”. That’s a bit pissing, actually -_-

Well, the reason is, there’s a survey said that if people in the whole Jakarta (The Indonesia capital city) turn off the electricity for an hour, it’ll save over than a hundred million megawatt which can supply hundreds years electricity needs). And for the simple thing, it save your money! It reduce your electricity billings

Living an hour without electricity won’t kill you or lose your pride, it gives you more than that. So why don’t you give a try today, on your home?
And for Jogja region, tonight’s at 6.30 PM, there’ll be a great event at Pagelaran Kraton. Be there and save the world :D

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.Rafaela Maria Angelina Indra.