Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I May Trip

These last 2 weeks, I had my weekend out of the town. Kind of fun, actually. The good news is next weekend I'll have another trip. The weird thing is, the name of the towns that I went to are both starts with S. They are Solo and Semarang. And for the next weekend, I'll go to Salatiga. All of them are in Central Java. There's one more weird thing. The syllables of the town's name are like 'upgrading' from one to another. You see, 'Solo' has 2 syllable, 'Semarang' has 3 syllable, and 'Salatiga' has 4 syllable. haha

It's fun not just because I'm having some trip, but it feels like a big present to me. After having such a tiring months, I could have some trip, 3 weeks in a row! :D
HORAYYYY for me :3

Friday, May 11, 2012

New Fashion Blog :D

wew, a month away already haha. well, I just made a new blog, anyway. it's about fashion. but my fashion blog won't show those expensive clothing. simple reason, because I don't have it. haha.
I'm a garage sale and big sale shopper, so the blog would be about it. it's just to tell you that nice fashion doesn't always need large budget. at least that works on me. hehe
so, here's the link: http://rafaelangelindra.blogspot.com. enjoy the blog :)