Love, love, love, love. This magical word is no more a rare thing in our daily. Especially in our ages, where everything looks super duper beautiful with love and totally awful without love. The point is, it’s the time for us to get to know what love is. But, we usually just relate this word with some kind of romance stories with our lovers. Well, that explain enough why most of Indonesian songs theme are always about the “you and me can or can’t be together happily ever after” thing.
Actually, love isn’t just that all. If we want to ‘study’ it, there’s no right words could definite what love is. It’s an universal and wide thing. We could love anything and anyone. Then, we could feel different feelings caused by love. We could be sad, happy, crazy, even we could turn into someone else (this one could be good, but also bad). So, some people would say if it’s a beautiful thing, when they are in love with something or someone, and they can straightly change their statement when they’re hurt by something or someone they love. It’s common, isn’t it?